
Jul 19, 2023

The Women’s World Cup: Will brands get equality in sport right?

Brand sponsors of women’s sports often sound patronizing, or worse, unwittingly reinforce harmful misconceptions.

Apr 19, 2023

Rediffusion announces all-women agency Ladyfinger in India

It will be helmed by former Wunderman Thompson creative director Tista Sen.

Apr 19, 2023

Ariel shows long term impact of not sharing the load

Watch the film conceptualised by BBDO India here

Mar 7, 2023

Before she's superwoman, she's human, says Tanishq

The film, conceptualised by Talented, highlights how there's an internal and external burden of potential that women face today.

Feb 2, 2023

Ageism almost as common as gender discrimination for women in PR: survey

More than one in two female PR professionals (53%) claim to have faced discrimination in the workplace, which includes prejudice based on age and gender, a new global survey shows.

Jun 7, 2022

Moving beyond tokenism to create systemic change

Every year in March, as we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, the issue of gender inequality in the workplace surfaces. And then people don’t talk about it as much, almost dismissing the existence of the problem; brands move on to the next event to relate to.