
Apr 11, 2023

How can adland protect diversity budgets in tough times?

Campaign asks industry leaders in the U.K. how to ensure DEI commitments stick as the economic situation gets stickier.

Mar 19, 2023

How to defend your brand marketing budget in a downturn

An accountant and an analyst explain what makes marketing spend vulnerable to cuts and how to justify the value of brand advertising to the CFO.

Jan 12, 2023

Will the fortunes of adland decouple from economic downturn?

Advertising leaders from the UK wade into debate about adspend and recessionary headwinds.

Jan 10, 2023

Media chiefs predict quick industry recovery from recession

The commercial chiefs of ITV, Hearst and Spotify say the industry is more resilient to economic shocks than in previous downturns.

Nov 21, 2022

Sorrell: Clients still placing cautious, selective bets amid global instability

The executive chairman of S4 Capital says macroeconomic headwinds will undeniably have an impact, forcing brands to become more strategic.