
2 days ago

Adland must reframe the creative narrative

The story must change as the industry comes under financial pressures and the power of technology and AI looms large.

Sep 27, 2023

Ogilvy's Chris Reitermann addresses China's 'economic long Covid', creativity, AI and more

In an exclusive interview, Chris Reitermann, co-CEO of Ogilvy Asia and CEO of Ogilvy, Greater China, discusses creative and social trends emerging in post-pandemic China, AI-enhanced work, Cannes and the talent crunch for expats.

Sep 25, 2023

Cultural competency is critical to creative success in Asia

Whatever Hollywood may think, Asia is not a monolith. Rather, it's an incredibly complex region—home to 51 countries and over 2,300 languages. Mash's Rich Akers shares why what works for one Asian country may not work for another, and how brands can avoid partaking in what he terms as 'creative colonialism'.

Sep 22, 2023

Wunderman Thompson develops tech to analyse emotional responses to ads

Creative testing solution studies micro expressions to determine which elements of a video ad users pay the most attention to.

Sep 20, 2023

Planning for uncertainty: Five considerations from a creative agency chief

BMB's Jason Cobbold shares five things to keep in mind as you start planning for 2024.

Sep 17, 2023

Agencies unite to take action on climate

Several comms and creative agencies are joining forces in an Ethical Agency Alliance established by the nonprofit global network Creatives for Climate.