
2 days ago

September 2023 APAC advertiser of the month: Supercheap Auto

Supercheap Auto zooms ahead as Australia's advertising awareness champion, trailed by razor brand Schick and electronics major Miele, according to data from YouGov BrandIndex.

Oct 4, 2023

Music, news, politics and comedy top the charts for Australian podcast listeners: YouGov survey

TOP OF THE CHARTS: The latest data from YouGov shows that one in five Australians listen to a podcast at least once a week, with music being the top podcast genre.

Sep 27, 2023

Report: Influencer marketing in SEA does not always result in greater conversion for brands

TOP OF THE CHARTS: Milieu Insight’s latest study on influencer marketing in Southeast Asia finds the effectiveness of influencer marketing in driving direct sales is not significant, despite the large number of KOLs emerging, alongside their followers.

Sep 26, 2023

Influencer marketing dominating B2B, Ogilvy report reveals

Three-quarters of B2B marketing chiefs are investing in influencer marketing as a comms tool, according to a new report from Ogilvy.

Sep 25, 2023

Report: Gen X is largely ignored by brands despite being the most loyal consumer group

TOP OF THE CHARTS: A new report by Wavemaker finds that by overlooking Gen X (people aged 45-60) brands are missing out on a multi-trillion-dollar market.

Sep 25, 2023

Moves and wins roundup: Week of September 25, 2023

See the latest appointment news, and pitch wins from Talon, Weber Shandwick, Icon Agency, Havas, Bupa, Dentsu’s Tag, Flow, The Trade Desk, WhiteGrey, Sweetshop, Think HQ, and more to come.

Sep 24, 2023

TikTok claims it's underrated by analytics, launches new measurement tool

After research suggesting TikTok ‘only gets 21% of credit for clicks’, the platform's new first-party data measurement tool aims to resolve the issues.

Sep 20, 2023

U.S. politicians projected to spend US$12 billion in ads for 2024 election cycle

EXCLUSIVE: Assembly’s 2024 Election Outlook report shows expensive congressional and presidential races will impact commercial advertisers in battleground states.

Sep 8, 2023

H1 2023 new-biz review: Creative landscape holds steady

Campaign rounds up the top-performing agencies and overall creative new-business activity in January-June.

Aug 24, 2023

Global ad spend to rise 4.4% in 2023-24, led by social media: Warc

Alibaba, Alphabet, Amazon, Bytedance and Meta draw over half of global advertising investments

Aug 23, 2023

Global agency rankings: Two new entries following Pfizer result

Publicis Collective and IPG Health both entered rankings for first time in 2023.

Aug 22, 2023

AR experiences exclude a majority of diverse audiences, study finds

EXCLUSIVE: Research by Omnicom Media Group and Snapchat finds that AR filters and lenses are alienating diverse users by misgendering them or removing their defining features.

Aug 22, 2023

Over-60s make up just 4% of people in global ads

Brands are overlooking a lucrative audience, according to CreativeX.

Aug 17, 2023

July 2023 APAC advertiser of the month: Amazon Prime

The paid subscription service of online retail giant Amazon registered the biggest spike in advertising awareness in Singapore in July.

Aug 15, 2023

Tech platforms attribute recent growth spurts to AI-powered performance products

Alphabet, Amazon and Meta turned more highly scrutinised marketing budgets to their advantage in Q2, by honing in on ease and efficiency, according to analysts.

Aug 2, 2023

JKR x Ipsos: 85% of marketing spending on brand assets are not 'distinctive'

TOP OF THE CHARTS: Only 15% of brand assets are labelled gold and defined as truly distinctive, by marketing research and consulting firm Ipsos and independent global branding agency JKR.

Jul 20, 2023

Ebiquity: China's media spend growth rates forecasted to lower for 2023 and 2024

TOP OF THE CHARTS: The consultancy’s new research shows that China's advertising market has transitioned from high-speed to a low-growth era, and predicts media cost inflation at 2.65% for 2024, down from its 2023 level.

Jul 20, 2023

Most UK comms clients not walking the walk on climate change - report

Two-thirds of clients are jumping on the bandwagon of talking about climate change without doing anything about it, says a report by the UK's PRCA’s Climate Communication Group.

Jul 13, 2023

Campaign global forecast Q3 2023: Creative pitch marketplace across sectors

Despite factors such as a challenging economic outlook, advertising new business is expected to be buoyant in Q3, with retail, media and travel just some sectors predicted to witness plenty of pitches. Campaign looks at what drives activity in these areas in the UK, US and Asia-Pacific.